Friday 29 April 2011

My nose looks humongoooouuuusss!!!

Similar to Dani's recent post, I thought I'd do one of the dreaded profile caught in an unexpected picture. The most horrible thing is that I was actually tagged in this pic on facebook, and it still exists on facebook! Noooooo! Lol! It's a rubbish pic cos I've cropped it from someone else's photo, but seriously, it's horrendous, my nose looks massive! Somehow these pics always look worse than the one's you take of yourself from the side to try and show the ugliness of your profile!

Also, I was thinking the other day how nearly every pic of me on here is absolutely horrendous, and probably makes me look worse than I really am. Believe it or not, I can look a bit nicer if I try lol, so if anyone wants to add me on facebook and see what I look like in the pictures I choose to have tagged of myself, or if you want to ask me any questions or anything, feel free to add me. The link for my profile is

Hopefully that should work!


  1. Ha ha, nonsense, you're a cutie! Now, and will be after as well. :)

  2. Hi Sarah, I am adding you on facebook :)

  3. Aw thanks! I suppose we all have our insecurities that we hate when nobody else thinks it's that bad! Thanks Dani, just accepted your friend request and had a quick look at your pics. I'm very jealous of the see through brackets on your braces, I wish I had those!

  4. Hi! Thanks for following my blog. I don't think your nose looks big at all! Since we're both kind of at the same point (just getting braces), maybe we'll end up getting surgery around the same time too. :)

  5. Hi, that's ok, thanks for following mine too! Aw thanks, I see other people say stuff they don't like about their faces and I think there's nothing wrong with them, so I guess it's just a personal thing, but the positioning of my jaw makes me think my nose looks big and I hate it! Yeah I feel so far behind most of the other bloggers so it will be nice to have someone else at around the same stage as me! Sounds like we have fairly similar jaw problems too x
