Tuesday 21 September 2010

Wisdom teeth removal date!

I rang the hospital yesterday and have now set the date to have my wisdom teeth taken out. Unfortunately they couldn't fit me in during my Christmas holidays, and then because I have exams in January the next possible date was 31st January. It seems like a long way away at the moment, but I've got plenty of things to be keeping me busy (like my final year of university!) so I'm sure it will come around soon enough! Although I'm not looking forward to actually having my teeth out, I'm just looking forward to officially beginning the process!


  1. Hi Sarah! I saw your post on the support group site about having it done on the NHS and thought i'd visit your blog. I'm also having surgery to correct an overbite, am also a student and 21 this year and am going into teaching after my degree...so felt i had to message you!lol im having mine done on the NHS aswell and am really annoyed at how long the process is taking. I was suppose to have braces put on next week bt that got cancelled and put back until next month, which means its been just over a year since i went to my first appointment(!!) and they haven't even started. Im also waiting to hear when they want to take my wisdom teeth out. Very annoying! Sometimes wish i'd studied on orthodonstry insted lol sorry about long comment just nice to find someone whos in similar situation! Thnx, Samantha.

  2. Hi Samantha, thanks for your comment! Wow it sounds like we do have quite a lot in common! Although since doing some work experience in a primary school I'm afraid I'm not so sure about going into teaching when I finish my degree! Yeah it is annoying that it all takes so long, it's hard not to get frustrated, but then I always remind myself that I'm lucky that the NHS is even paying for the surgery. If it helps, someone else I've been talking to about this said that it was a year between getting referred to the hospital and getting her braces on, so it seems like its a long wait for everyone unfortunately. By the time I've had my wisdom teeth out and got my braces put on it'll probably be a about a year since I was referred too. Are you going to have your braces put on before having your wisdom teeth out? I got the impression that my wisdom teeth had to come out before I could even get the braces put on!

  3. Aw right well im about to have my work experience as a teacher sooon too so might feel the same! Yea I know, and I do think they do it for a reason because its easy for you to take a quick decision but if you have to wait spose shows your commitment. Mm Im not sure my surgeon said that they can take them out before or after your brace is on, because she said that if my appointment falls a week before or after my brace is fitted to change it, as it still might be painful. I think I must be having mine out after as I havent had an appointment for them to be taken out and I'm having braces on in about 3 weeks! Are you having any upper jaw surgery for your overbite aswell?

  4. Don't do it! I regret it so bad. My buccal fat pad has descended into my midface and I don't even look human anymore. I look like a Who.
